Diagnosed With Mesothelioma? What to Do Next

April 5, 2011 - 3 minutes read

Asbestos has a long history of industrial use within the United States. For centuries, manufacturers intertwined it into the foundation of our workplaces, cars, and even our homes. The result of its widespread use, without thought of the consequences, is a variety of life threatening diseases for those in direct contact and their family members. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has since regulated asbestos use but for many the damage is already done.

Mesothelioma is a debilitating cancer caused from unnaturally heavy interaction of asbestos. Mesothelioma was once a rare form of cancer, but recent years have shown an increase in cases, because symptoms may take 20 to 50 years to appear after exposure. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, there are probably many questions and emotions circling within you. Your doctor may have explained forms of treatments, and now is the time to consider those options.  Most importantly, how will you put your life back together?

Standard treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination. Work closely with your doctor to determine which procedures will work best in your case. Currently there isn’t a cure for mesothelioma, but that doesn’t mean you or loved ones can’t have the most comfortable life possible. Follow your doctor’s instructions consistently to increase your health’s longevity. Also, do your own research on mesothelioma. Medical research is continually evolving, and it is vital that you know about any new developments. Your health is of the utmost importance and should be your top priority.

You will also need to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer with a record in mesothelioma cases. Most incidents of asbestos contact occur because of concentrated exposure in industrial or manufacturing jobs. Large corporations have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of their employees, and mesothelioma is often a result of their negligence. It is also possible to develop mesothelioma based on where you live or where a spouse or family member worked.

To make sure the company is held accountable, put together a detailed statement about the type of work, time period, and source of your asbestos contact. Submit this information to your lawyer, and they will determine how best to process your suit.

Continue to stay focused on providing yourself with the best therapy, and allow someone with your interest in mind to manage your legal affairs. A full life is possible with mesothelioma, and by taking these actions, you can restore your own well-being.

Contact a mesothelioma attorney at Johnson Law Group today and begin your journey to justice.